Purchase catalog for this project with complete text and images.
Read article about the project in Paris Review
"Un-Reflective #1 (Acid Treated Mirror From Former Convent)," C-Print, 2011
Nun doll from "The Cross in the Woods Nun Doll Museum"
"Nun Dolls: Abbey of Regina Laudis, Bethlehem, CT,#1," C-Print, 2011
"Nun Dolls: Abbey of Regina Laudis, Bethlehem, CT,#2," C-Print, 2011
"Un-Reflective #4 (Acid Treated Mirror From Former Convent)," C-Print, 2011
"Presence in Absence (Modified Denim Habit)," C-Print, 2011
"Habit Layer #1: Self-Portrait as Carmelite Nun (Storage Closet of the Nun Doll Museum, Indian River MI)," C-Print, 2010
"Habit Layer #11: Self-Portrait as Carmelite Nun (Storage Closet of the Nun Doll Museum, Indian River MI)," C-Print, 2010
"Soap (Negative Space) #3," C-Print 2011
"Un-Reflective #2 (Acid Treated Mirror From Former Convent)," C-Print, 2011
"Ora et Labora," C-Print, 2011
"Ora et Labora, #4," C-Print, 2011
"Ora et Labora, #5," C-Print, 2011
"Visual Identity Refresh," Video, Monastery creations Soap, Facial cream, Foot Cream, cast soap, "Sugar Daddy Cactus, Pine
"Presence in Absence (Back)," C-Prints and Pine, handwritten note from Sr. Noella
Installation in Emily Fisher Landau Center, Long Island City
"Monastery Creations: Bug-Off," C-Print, 2011
"Un-Reflective #3 (Acid Treated Mirror From Former Convent)," C-Print, 2011
Piece from collection "Community of Compassion (A collaboration with JF&Son)"
Installation View of "Community of Compassion" at JF&Son, 2011
Installation shot, "You.Me.We.She," FLeisher Ollman Gallery
Mother Mary from julia sherman on Vimeo.